NN troppoooo pero' xk cé sempre la mia B.F.F Amy che mi sostiene ( amyfantasy.blogspot.com)
AHHHHH ..... a proposito .. una delle mie migliori amiche ha un blog lei si chiama toby ed é molto simpatica.. il blog lo ha iniziato da poco tempo quindi perfavore nn criticatela se magari nn vi piace il suo blog .. ci sta provando .. e poi nn é che il mio sia piu' bello del suo ... a me mi piace il suo .. cmq ecco il sito :
andateci subito le farà piacere e magari lasciatele un commentino ihhihihihihihi
cmq volevo scrivervi i lirycs di una canzone che lovvvo e che lovvero' 4 EVERRRRRR & EVERRRR
si kiama ONE & ONLY ed é della mitica ... ADELEEEEEEEEE dell' album 21 che ultimamente é moltooo famoso ecco ..
"One And Only"
You've been on my mind
I grow fonder every day,
Lose myself in time
Just thinking of your face
God only knows
Why it's taken me so long
To let my doubts go
You're the only one that I want
I don't know why I'm scared, I've been here before
Every feeling, every word, I've imagined it all,
You never know if you never try
To forgive your past and simply be mine
I dare you to let me be your, your one and only
Promise I'm worthy to hold in your arms
So come on and give me a chance
To prove that I'm the one who can
Walk that mile until the end starts
I've been on your mind
You hang on every word I say
Lose yourself in time at the mention of my name
Will I ever know how it feels to hold you close?
And have you tell me whichever road I choose you'll go
I don't know why I'm scared 'cause I've been here before
Every feeling, every word, I've imagined it all,
You'll never know if you never try
To forgive your past and simply be mine
I dare you to let me be your, your one and only
I promise I'm worthy to hold in your arms
So come on and give me a chance
To prove that I'm the one who can
Walk that mile until the end starts
I know it ain't easy
Giving up your heart
I know it ain't easy
Giving up your heart
(Nobody's perfect, trust me I've learned it)
I know it ain't easy, giving up your heart
(Nobody's perfect, trust me I've learned it)
I know it ain't easy, giving up your heart
I know it ain't easy
Giving up your heart
I know it ain't easy
Giving up your heart
So I dare you to let me be your, your one and only
I promise I'm worthy to hold in your arms
So come on and give me a chance
To prove that I'm the one who can
Walk that mile until the end starts
Come on and give me a chance
To prove that I'm the one who can
Walk that mile until the end starts.
eccco io lho sentita cosi tante volte che me la sono imparata a memoria anche senza i lirycs .... ma potete imparalra qui cn i lirycs se nn ce lavete sul cell , ipod , iphone eccccccccccc ......
MI dispiace mas nn sn riusccita a mettere un video so srryyyyy ..... nn so cmd si fa .. se voltete potete insegnarmi buhhhuhu <.8
grazie mille e baci & abbracci a tutti i miei suscribers hihihihihih

ciao susan!!!!! il tuo blog e' favoloso e mi mettero' subito come membro del tuo "beautiful" blog!!!
RispondiEliminaGRAZIE toby sei sempre the best